Sunday, June 29, 2008

About A Name

A journey of a thousand li begins with a single step. For a blog, one must perforce start with a title. Having flirted for long with the idea of writing one, it surprised me yesterday that this seemingly minor detail had missed my attention. Afternoon soon turned to evening in musing saddi Dilli's traffic volumes on an otherwise uneventful day. The mind kept going back to questions of a nomenclatural kind though, even as the decision for dinner was made in favour of Khan Market next-door over Select Citywalk. Regardless, the condiments on offer failed to stir any divine ideas. Nor was the resident critic in one of her more indulgent moods.

So I slept over it.

And it came to me early Sun morning (confessedly an uncharacteristic action for the hour in my case). The math, as they say, is clear: there are really only two original numbers, zero and one. If you went from zero to one, and then again more than once, you would have many. Equally, there is no other way to get to many than to start with one. Hence, One is Me.

'Many', on the other hand, may well invite charges ranging from mere egotism to ominous megalomania! My defence is simple: the reference is not to any precocious assumptions of following (not that such be unwelcome) but to the multiple touch-points that is Life. Amidst its myriad hues and shapes, inspiring ideas and individuals, and inimitably diverse emotions and expressions, we find life in atoms and Atlases (that dance in a marvelous interdependence for existence) and beyond.

Let it, therefore, be my stated intent to open this multitude of experiences; and humbly seek to add to them through reactions, suggestions or comments. From One to Many, back some; and then some more!


Unknown said...

Wow. Now that's a start. A good start, felt a lil rushed towards the end. Do we need endings all the time or leaving it open like Jiddu may not be a bad idea. Sushant

theintermittentwriter said...

well..its really nice to see a first step being taken and i will really look forward to see more steps taken..surely wanna see the person who sees something in nothingness, sounds in silence, light in darkness..

Anonymous said...

Well Begun is half the work done, but r we realistically applying ourselves to the work that we have assigned ourselves to? or are we just engrossed with correcting our regular demeanour to please the powers that be having completely let go of the inner self belief and conviction that we set out with to achieve what we always desired, the etennal peace of self and surrounding.

.... said...

....euphonic...perhaps a bard hiding somewhere within...fearing to come life all about making choices...wonder why something which I read more than a decade back still keeps echoing. The irony is I didn't quite understand it then... after enjoying / living / enduring for so long the verse which once was a part of my examination syllabus now depicts the journey so far..."Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both... I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference"...

Unknown said...

The title choosen seems to be the real meaning of blogging..... Idea of one shared, corrected, appended, suggested, critisized by many and of course applauded by many too.
We must try to be more user friendly in using the terms with the same idea as of the title..Echohum (Eko-hum Bahu-shyam ). The thoughts of the authors must get to all and so the comments.
Nice beginning.....No path is long, once you take the first step, which you took.
All the best for ONE to ALL.

Anonymous said...

My dear ....why have you left zero and started with one......dont underestimate the importance of zero ancient science,astronomy,astrology,decimal system ...the shape of the world many things flowed from zero to what all we know in current mathematics..not to forget what the addition of few zeros can do to any figure,amount...there cannot be a perfect score like ten of Nadia k or a hundred in some examination without the innocuous zero. In many organizations,say GE,the effect/importance of adding zero/s can never be underestimated ! Have you ever thought that all the numbers/digits can be written by fragmenting zero and giving a different shape to it ..! Rohit.

Unknown said...

One to Many! Should say you were far sighted way back in 2008 to establish one to many communication model before advent of current social media platforms