Friday, January 23, 2009

The Pros of HitchHiking

A rather wise colleague of mine, told of my virginal attempt at a blog, prophesied that the key question over time would be of sustenance. Frankly, my initial response was to summarily nix such doubt-mongering. A history of liberally dissembling opinion in conversation gave me confidence; abusing the constitutionally guaranteed Freedom of Expression being a habit. If some immodesty be allowed, my defence would also include a certain felicity with Words, notably in written form. Last but not least, innocence of intent could be an argument too: Echohum’s conception being as much inside-out as to seek other voices.

In short, one felt more than equal to the task of expanding blogspace. However, a few months on, the scorecard is meagre, including a couple of drafts lying abandoned, forgotten in the multitude of chores that define post quarter-life-crisis existence. It appears it is already time to reflect on where Echohum stands, the little path treaded, and where it may be headed.

An admission, at the outset: the effort of putting pen to paper (figuratively speaking) and click-of-button publication has been intensely gratifying. Although a blog barely three posts old may be early days to summarize thus, but there is something delicately uplifting in the movement of words from cerebral-and-fleeting to physical-and-enduring domain. The nature of this blogging exercise is semi-cathartic, almost humbling, on two counts: the Message and the Medium.

To talk in order, content née Message is foremost (measuring it only by reception may not be entirely accurate). There are intensely individual and hence highly variable reasons for which assorted bloggers likes yours truly reach for the keyboard. What emerges post (pun intended) is obviously disparate. Again, the rate at which more gets created would put even those warren-dwelling champions of the multiplication game, to shame. So what explains this urge, the furor loquendi?

Simply put, irrespective of raison, there is something uplifting in the Dasvidaniya moments when one decides 'if" or ‘what’ to write. Experience of the last few months tells me that mere process of this choice, even when not resulting in an actual post, broadens one's perspective on three counts. First, the quest for a topic leads to more extensive reflection on the days' happenstances. Next, there is an increased propensity to action since a broader canvas of experiences makes for more post-worthy possibilities. Third, the day-end rumination ups the revitalizing quotient of the day's highs (say, sun-sand-surf in Ile Maurice); while turning languid the lows (case: an abysmal tryst with MDLR Airlines)! So ye tentative traveler, a recourse to blogging may just enthuse you to spend your way out of the economic downturn at assorted desirable destinations!

Aside such macroeconomic considerations, we have the compulsive convenience of the Medium itself. While the ordeal-by-fire ‘iron foundry’ school of success may interest traditionalists, the blogger's way is seamless push-button publishing. That one lands transmission-ready for a million (ahem) eyeballs, minus motivation-sapping rejections via sundry unnamed editors, is likely a bigger imagination breakthrough than Printing Press's assault on forestry. Thus, barely a century from Edison-perspiration, you have a shot at Warholian fifteen seconds on Google, to list with Britney Spears, CERN's nuclear physics postulates, deluge of spam, and the latest slice of erotica. Eulogy or odium may follow (or, likely, apathetic neglect), but you are ‘out there’.

Blogging, therefore, is a fair epitome of today's age: if you have a thought, you have a medium. So, as the Obama inauguration focuses the world on Word: in China a debate on omission (Communism); the rest of the world on Justice Roberts’s placement (faithfully), here’s my contribution. Do you read?


Anonymous said...

A sublime effort.. unshackled thoughts... a tinge of acrimony but indeed a lot of prudence ... Ekoham's ingenious source your writing made me hum .. " Nirbhay nirgun gun re gaunga .... Panch pachhison pakad mangaun-ji ! Ek hi dor lagaunga ... Kahat Kabir Suno Bhai Sadho-ji ! Jeet Nishan Ghuraunga " - one of my favourates by The Glorified Soul.